VO2 Testing at the YMCA

To reserve your spot today, please email Mica Lill at Mica.Lill@halifax.org.

Why test VO2 max?

In the past VO2 testing has only been available at hospitals and universities. But now CARDIOCOACH brings this technology to the Ormond Beach YMCA.

Get the most out of your workout.

VO2 Max testing gives you precise heart rate zones for optimal training sessions. You may have seen charts about your “target heart rate” while you work out. Here’s the truth—those numbers are just averages based on your age & weight. CardioCoach will measure your unique heart rate zones and guide you through the intensities necessary for you to achieve your goals. Whether your focus is on burning fat, increasing endurance, or strengthening your heart, your precise target intensity zones will help you workout smarter not harder.

Identify what kinds of calories you are using.

Fat vs. Carbohydrates. Not only does a VO2 Max test give a precise calculation of calories burned during exercise, but CardioCoach can also identify whether you are burning fats or carbohydrates as you increase your effort. This is vital information, whether you are trying to lose weight, increase muscle mass, or stay fueled for a race. The CardioCoach app will even allow you to monitor this burn in real time as you work out!

Burn more Fat!

VO2 testing reveals the exercise level that will optimize a person’s ability to burn fat. The term “aerobic exercise” has been commonly used in relation to burning fat. But without VO2 testing, fitness professionals have had to rely on crude estimates to determine what level of exercise intensity would be “aerobic” or fat burning. Now, with VO2 testing readily
available, you can know the precise level of intensity that will truly maximize the amount of fat you burn.

How is a VO2 Test Performed? (It’s as easy as 1-2-3!)

1. Put on a heart rate strap and face mask. The mask is connected to the CardioCoach device.

2. Begin to exercise on a stationary device such as a treadmill, cycle or stairstepper. Your trainer will instruct you to gradually increase your intensity over a period of 6 to 20 minutes.

3. The CardioCoach will indicate when the test is completed. You can cool down while your Target Intensity Zones are calculated and printed in a simple, insightful report.

What is EPOC?

Exercise post-exercise oxygen consumption, or oxygen debt is amount of oxygen required to restore your body to its normal level of metabolic function after a workout. The CardioCoach app uses your VO2 Max with a proprietary formula to actually calculate your EPOC after each workout.

Pricing Options

For YMCA members, it is $75 for a single test and $100 for a dual test.

For non-members, it is $100 for a single test and $125 for a dual test.