Sajid Latif, MD

Sajid Latif, MD

Primary Specialty

Kidney Care


Dr. Latif has been practicing Nephrology for over 11 years. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and Nephrology and has been a longstanding member of the Volusia County Medical Society. Doctor Latif completed his Internal Medicine fellowship at Georgetown University, D.C. General Hospital in Washington, D.C. and his Nephrology fellowship at St. Johns Hospital in Detroit, MI.

As a Transplant Nephrologist, Dr. Latif has years of experience in the care and treatment of pre and post-transplant patients. He is currently serving as the Medical Director for Kidney Transplantation at the Halifax Health – Center for Transplant Services.

Multidisciplinary Team

The Transplant Team is a multidisciplinary group dedicated to providing you with the best quality care. Members are listed below:

  • Transplant Surgeon – The transplant surgeon will perform your kidney transplant surgery, supervise your care immediately following your surgery, and adjust your immuno-suppressant medications for a period of time. The transplant surgeon will also follow your progress immediately after discharge from the hospital.

  • Transplant Nephrologist – The Transplant Nephrologist will evaluate you for transplantation prior to being activated on the wait-list. The Transplant Nephrologist will also manage your medical care while you are in the hospital for your transplant. The Transplant Nephrologist will provide follow-up care in the transplant clinic, adjusting your medications and monitoring your progress.

  • Clinical Transplant Coordinators – A clinical transplant coordinator is a registered nurse who is specially trained to care for patients before and after kidney transplantation and to provide support to you and your family. Transplant coordinators work in different stages of the transplant process. One coordinator will be responsible for obtaining the results of your pre-transplant evaluation and monitoring your progress with the evaluation process. This coordinator, referred to as the pre-transplant coordinator will serve as your main contact for questions from the time of your evaluation until the time of your transplant. Additional coordinators, referred to as the post-transplant coordinators will follow your progress in the hospital and provide follow-up care at each clinic visit after you are discharged. They will teach you how to check your vital signs and identify any signs and symptoms of infection and rejection. They will help you learn how and when to take your new transplant medications.

  • Acute Care Inpatient Transplant Nurses – Acute care inpatient nurses are registered nurses who have been specially trained to care for patients who have received a kidney transplant. The acute care inpatient transplant nurses will care for and monitor patients during their stay in the hospital and during readmission for transplant-related problems. Staff nurses play an important role in alerting the entire team to any potential problems you or your family may have.

  • Transplant Social Worker – A Transplant Social Worker is available for psycho-social evaluation and supportive counseling for you and your family throughout all phases of your transplant experience. The Transplant Social Worker is specialized in helping the patient understand the importance of compliance with medication after transplant. Also, the transplant social worker can assist you with information about local housing, fund-raising and transplant resources.

    • The social worker is available to help you understand the financial issues of your transplant. The social worker will discuss the financial impact that transplant will have in terms of insurance coverage and out-of-pocket costs from evaluation, inpatient stays, and life-time immuno-suppressant medication costs. You can discuss your financial concerns with this coordinator during any stage of your transplant experience.

  • Clinical Dietitian – A clinical dietitian may see you before and after your transplant to evaluate your diet and to help you maintain a healthy weight. The dietitian can provide you with recommendations regarding weight management and diet prior to transplantation. Due to medication side effects, after your transplant you may have difficulty maintaining your weight and controlling your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The dietitian will be available to discuss these issues with you before and after transplant.

  • Pharmacist – A pharmacist will begin working with you after your transplant. It is important for you to clearly understand your medications and how each affects your body. The transplant pharmacist, along with your clinical transplant coordinator and acute care inpatient nurses, will explain the actions, dosages and side effects of your medications. The pharmacist will be available to answer questions during your hospitalization and after transplant.

  • Chaplain – A chaplain is available to visit with you while you are an inpatient at Halifax Health Medical Center and will be on call 24 hours a day. The chaplain can help you and your family deal with the emotional and spiritual issues that can be associated with transplantation.



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311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 360, Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Daytona Beach

303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114

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