May 13th, 2021
4 min read

The Story of Stroke at Halifax Health

Learn about the incredible story of how Halifax Health saved the life of Richard, who had just suffered a major stroke.

On January 21st, Richard was relaxing in his lounger after an eventful day when he started to cough. His wife Caroline called out, asking if Richard needed some water but Richard didn’t respond, he couldn’t respond. Richard had suffered a stroke on the left side of his brain that left him alert, but unable to speak. Caroline rushed Richard to a nearby hospital where he was diagnosed and transported to Halifax Health – Medical Center of Daytona Beach for emergency surgery. Once at Halifax Health, Richard underwent emergency thrombectomy, an interventional procedure of removing a blood clot from a blood vessel.  “On average 32,000 brain cells die every second while having a stroke, that is why when it comes to stroke, time is brain. Halifax Health is the area’s only hospital that has Interventional Radiologists on-site 24/7 to perform these life-saving procedures like the one Richard needed.” Dr. Scott Klioze, Diagnostic Radiology Specialist explained.

Richard’s procedure was a success but his recovery was far from over. After a week in the hospital, Richard was discharged to Halifax Health | Brooks Rehabilitation – Center for Inpatient Rehabilitation to continue his rehabilitation. “Physically he was improving but the stroke had affected his speech and I didn’t know what to do.” said wife Caroline. “After a stroke it’s common for family members to feel like they’re not equipped with the tools and knowledge to care for and support their loved ones right away.” Explains Dr. Jorge Perez, Medical Director of Halifax Health | Brooks Rehabilitation, “Inpatient Rehabilitation, enables patients and their caregivers to receive their physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, while in an inpatient setting where there is specialized nursing care 24-hours a day. We focus on achieving the highest level of independence, with an integrated world class rehabilitation service advancing the health and well being of our community .”  “Inpatient Rehabilitation allowed for him to receive speech therapy and taught me what to do so that I could work with him at home. I stayed with him the whole time in his room. It was comforting for him that I could be with him.” Caroline added.

“ When we say we’re the area’s only comprehensive stroke system of care, we have the highest level of stroke care in the area.” Dr. Steven Miles, Senior Vice President and Chief Quality Office for Halifax Health says. “We have interventional radiologists and neurosurgeons on staff 24/7. We have an inpatient rehabilitation hospital within Halifax Health that specializes in stroke care. Our home health, Care at Home, follows your care post-discharge, and Halifax Health | Brooks Rehabilitation – Outpatient Rehabilitation has five locations throughout Volusia County to continue occupational, physical, and speech therapy with state-of-the-art equipment. If you have a stroke, Halifax Health is the safest place that you can be.”

Today, Richard is home and back to doing the things he loves. “He’s doing so good. He really has recovered. He still has speech and cognitive deficits but home health has made such a difference. We’re seeing improvements.” said wife Caroline. “I’ve sent thank you notes to everyone. Everyone was amazing and we’re so thankful for the care he received.”

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