Types of Rehabilitation

Inpatient Rehabilitation

Inpatient rehabilitation is for patients who need intensive, interdisciplinary rehabilitation services. Such inpatient programs are designed to improve function and promote each patient’s highest degree of independence.

Outpatient Rehabilitation

Halifax Health | Brooks Rehabilitation – Outpatient Rehabilitation includes six outpatient clinics located throughout Central Florida. Our clinicians are trained to provide exceptional physical, occupational and speech therapy services. Whether you need a single discipline service or a combination. we have the tools to maximize your recovery

Pediatric Rehabilitation

Halifax Health | Brooks Rehabilitation Pediatric Recreation provides youth with disabilities meaningful and accessible recreation opportunities that offer social connection, family empowerment and community integration to enhance quality of life. We offer both sport and recreation programs year-round through weekly classes, monthly activities and family-friendly special events. An adaptive aquatics program is also offered in the spring and summer. The program serves any child from birth to 17 years old, with any type of limitation/disability (physical, developmental, cognitive, sensory and social). Activities take place throughout Volusia County and are free of charge.

For more information, email pediatricrecreationdaytona@brooksrehab.org or call 386.281.7105

Cardiac Rehabilitation

If you have had a heart attack, bypass surgery, angioplasty, stent valve repair or replacement surgery or have been diagnosed with stable angina, Halifax Health – Center for Rehabilitation, Cardiac Rehab Program can help to improve the health of your cardiovascular system and reduce your risk of developing further problems. Those at high risk for heart disease are also encouraged to participate in the Cardiac Rehab Program. Risk factors include a family history of heart disease, smoking, hypertension, obesity, inactivity, high cholesterol/triglyceride levels, diabetes and stress.

Heart Healthy Exercise and Education

The Cardiac Rehab Program is a 12-week medically-supervised exercise and educational program designed specifically for those at risk for heart disease. Our carefully monitored exercise program can help improve overall conditioning by controlling and lowering your pulse rate, blood pressure and cholesterol. Studies have shown that even a low-level exercise program can result in positive physical, psychological, sexual and vocational changes.

Specialized Staff

Our specialized staff will work closely with you to assess your cardiovascular fitness and develop an individualized exercise plan. The members of our staff include a registered dietitian, registered nurses and a respiratory therapist.

The Cardiac Rehab Program is in the 201 Building on the Halifax Health Medical Center main campus, just south of the Fountain building. A referral from your physician is required. The cost will depend on your insurance plan.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

We take a comprehensive approach to the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Patients receive an individual assessment to develop a program tailored to their well-being. The program offers a series of continuing education, monitored exercise programs and a team of experts consisting of:

  • Respiratory Therapists

  • Nurses

  • Exercise Specialists

Halifax Health – Pulmonary Services is here to ensure that each patient, and their support system, has the maximum level of resources for heart and lung health.

Respiratory Therapy

There is a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic services which include:

  • Pulmonary Function Testing

  • Arterial Blood Gas Analysis

  • Bronchodilator Therapy

For more information about our Cardiac Rehab Program please call 386.425.4338 or for Pulmonary Rehab, please call 386.425.4644.

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